Ex-boyfriend issue

Well its pretty complicated, me and my ex when we were dating had a pretty good relationship, for 10 months, and yes we were in love, and we’d have a couple of fights here and there. I went to portugal in the summer and he lied to me saying that he didnt hangout with this one girl when he really did. We broke up 2 months after august, and he started dating the girl. They broke up 3 months ago, and now he seems to be coming back to me. He told me he thought that we should of been friends while we were dating instead of boyfriend+girlfriend, which I know isnt true. He keeps telling me he cant wait to hangout with me [its been 7 months sinse last hseeing eachother] and hes been telling all of his “feelings” towards me, to me, but before he would always say I loved you but we should of stayed friends, or I think we should stay bestfriends, then next thing you know he tells me all of these feelings he still has for me and how he misses me and he just keeps switching his mind. I have 3 questions:

  1. Is he playing around with me, am I some sort of re-bound for him
  2. If he did want to get back together again, should I go back to him or no, I dont want everything bad happening all over again 3.does it seem like he still misses me, after he keeps telling me how he wanted to hangout with me [his girlfriend wouldnt let us] and how he keeps telling me how he feels?

It’d be great if you can help sorry if I confuse you

Answer #1

ok I dated this guy on and of for 7 months I then found out he cheated on me by having sexual interactions with a girl so I broke up with him a month after we broke up he kept calling me saying how if he could take it all back he would so I decided maybe he really meant it he even gave me a ring and promised he’d never hurt me ever again…a few more weeks of us talking I started questioning if he was serious when I told him I wasnt sure anymore he started crying…he’s not the type of guy that I would ever imagine crying…I prayed and prayed about what I should do and finally I just got this feeling in my gut that said not to do it when I gave him the ring back he started crying AGAIN!! later I found out that same month him and one of my close friends were dating and had both lost their virginity to each other…they had both had oral sex before tho…a few months later me and him are having a conversation and come to find out he can FAKE CRY I ask him to show me and sure enough tears start rolling down his face…I really hope I can help…I’ve shared my story to you because maybe you can learn from my mistakes if this guy has a bad reputation of mistreating girls then dont tell yourself that he means what hes saying because more than likely he’s just like all the jerks I’ve dated if he doesnt have a bad rep. then just pray about it and follow your heart I hope I can help if you have any questions I’d be glad to answer im sure I confused you somewhere in that…hope I helped

Answer #2

your welcome I’ve learned once a cheater always a cheater I used to not think it was true but now I think it is im so glad I could help but my story is old news I would have rather had to go through all that for a few months than be stuck in a lie filled relationship right now…

Answer #3

no you helped out a lot thanks, I dont think I will take him back because of how he treated me! sorry to hear your story:(

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