Ex b0yfriends

Y is my exb0yfriend keep calling me after he t0ld me he never wanted t0 talk again…and he keeps g0ing 0n h0w he h00ked up wit tw0 girls..y is he saying this

Answer #1

He wants to make you jealous. Best choice is to maybe change your phone number if its a cell?

Answer #2

he probably wants to make you jealous. just simply respond “good for you.” or jsut don’t respond cause I mean he told you he didn’t want to talk… sooo? basically jsut show him you don’t care, but don’t tell him you don’t care. hahahah make sense?

Answer #3

he is tyring desperately to make you jealous. and most likely for you to be contacting him, don’t give in. just say “oh, that’s nice” and say “are we done talking now ?”

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