Evil sisters!

I brought my 7 year old sister to the park today and we sat on the swings together. I didn’t do anything and she swung the swing right in my face! My glasses fell off and my braces cut right through my lip and the swing ripped my gums.

My sister says it’s an accident but she looked directly at me when it happened. I told the truth and my mother yells at me!

How can I deal with this horrible family life?

Answer #1

Okay baldwinwolf you make it sound like if she doesn’t watch her back she’ll stab it with a fork or something…which is possible I guess…once your little sister gets older…she’ll sort of still be a snot but hey…that’s how all little sisters are!

Answer #2

jppatches…don’t over react just because she hit her sister in the face with a swing (which might have even been an accident) doesn’t mean she’s going to become some mass murderer…otherwise half the population would be dead if that accusation were true…

Answer #3

I think it was just an accident for how it sounds…you make it sound like your sister makes your braces do that everyday…that isn’t horrible family life…that’s just stuff that happens…plus she’s 7…she doesn’t know any better anyways.

Answer #4

Your sister should be put in time out! Your mom shouldn’t yell at you when it wasn’t your fault that the swing hit your braces and gums. She should give your sister time out from going anywhere and she’s going to be needing allot of disiplin. You don’t need this kind of family. Is there someone else that you could live with? Hope this helps.

Answer #5

Thats not a horrible family life - if you took a walk in some kid’s shoes you’d realize how horrible some kids actually have it. It does sound like it was an accident - even though it doesn’t seem like it to you.

Answer #6

unfortunately she sounds like a normal 7year old- I usually get attacked by my friends little ones- they find humor in pain or fake pain sometimes, that is just being a kid. however it isn’t right to get hurt like that- I would realize what she is capable of and act accordingly- expect the unexpected, kids are capable of anything. I have learned to cover the more sensitive parts of my anatomy with my hand when kids are getting wild, just a learned response to being hit there before. have fun with your time with her- but watch your back.

Answer #7

Seven year olds don’t know any better. She just didn’t take the time to fully consider what could’ve happened.

Answer #8

oh god. dont let get to you. you definatly need to call this quits tho. for goodness sakes! she is younger then you! and shes got no right to do any of that. she needs to be stopped before she grows up and becomes violent.

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