What if I was Miley Cyrus?

what would you guys say if I told you I was really miley cyrus?

Answer #1

^ look guys obviously im not!!! I was just wondering what you guys wud say!!! a lot of you already no me!!! lol but thanx for calling me fake!!! lol no its fine I dont mind!!! some of you guys just cant take a joke but thanx for answering!!! lol

Answer #2

I’d be like…

“Really? Wow. Can you get your Dad to send me a signed copy of Achy Breaky Heart? He’s Sooo famous. What’s that like having someone famous in the family? Oh, and what do you do, by the way?”

Answer #3

LMFAO! you want to fake and be her?! are you Freeking out of your mind!!! lmfao… rofl. im sorry but thats awesomely funny. awee… you just made my day.

Answer #4

hmm..I’de be like..ohmy god, oh my go, oh my god!!! you are soo cool, ahhh!!!


joke joke joke..

although your not, it might be nifty if you were..although still nobody would beleive it’s really you.

Answer #5

I wud know you were lying since your pro says you are older than she is durh dont be a fake

your going to waste your time

Answer #6

I’d be like well cool. but is there any way you can prove you are miley cyrus? but anyway if you are then your a bloody amazing person!!!

Answer #7

I would say your an idiot, because no one is going to believe you, ever. There is wwway too many posers on the interwebz these days.

Answer #8

UUMMM… I would go like… AAAHHH!!! Ok I’m done. ^.^ Welll… I would really freak out and probably faint. I mean, I’ve been talking to a popstar all this time! Lucky Me!!! LOL

Answer #9

haha um.. I would say “wow.. you are? haha just like all the other thousands of people that claim to be miley cyrus”

Answer #10

I’d say other girls on here have already claimed they are her

Answer #11

yeah because you totally look nothn like her

Answer #12

I would say your pretty much an idiot

Answer #13

Uhmm I would just say cool. what else is there to say

Answer #14

I’d say find a hobby, and quit lying. No one is impressed.

Answer #15

I’d say you were a joke sorry hun but nobody is going to believe you

Answer #16

Sorry that came off as rude, but I know you, hun, sit seems kinda funny to me :)


Answer #17

Who is miley cyrus, I mean is she famous or something…

Answer #18

id prepare my shotgun, so I wouldnt say that 2 me if I were you lol

Answer #19

I don’t know who that is, so I’d be like “ok.”

Answer #20

Uuuuh, I’d just be:”

“OK, but I don’t care!”

Answer #21

I’d probley tell you to grow up, no offence. Don’t pretend to be someone you obviously aren’t.

Answer #22

I’d say you are the biggest liar in the whole world besides the real miley wouldn’t say that

Answer #23

BAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry :)

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