
Are you happy with the eusovision winner??I am!!! He realllyyy deserved it!he’s also very hot ;] And he was originally born in my country but he represented norway =] Good job. Also dima bilan was greatt <3

Tell me what you think =]

Answer #1

I think norway deserved it, he was really good at his song. I know its kind of fixed b/c neighbouring countries like eachother and some countries have rivalries, but thats a part that makes it good. the UK did well too. I liked Moldova and Ukriane too.. I don’t ever mind what countrie wins, just as long as they deserve it.

Answer #2

He’s also very hot - I’m sure this had nothing to do with you wanting them to win.

I don’t care too much really but I’ve been told he sang in English, why don’t countrys sing in their own language???!??? England should win purely because everyone uses their language!!! lol


Answer #3

the eurovision is a fix I think

the uk always comes last (cept for this year) and country surrounding each other always vote for each other

psshhttt ¬_¬

Answer #4

He was cute and it was a great song, but some other countries deserved it too :)

Answer #5

yes yes yes)) Sasha Rybak was really amazing why dima bilan? he didn’t take part this year=]

Answer #6

did anybdy like anastasia prihodko? what do you think of her voice?

Answer #7

Im not interested in the Eurovision song contest at all :/

Answer #8

what is this?

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