What epiphanies have you experienced in your life?

or have you ever had some sort of revelation of some reality that impacted you? …does that make sense?

Answer #1

When I found out how to live my life without d(r)ugs :)

Answer #2

I realized life is all we have. I like to complain about how bad things are, but I realize they can always get worse. And sometimes they do, but the existance of life itself is all we have, and while we have it we should make the best of it helping others and trying to make it better for all that are willing to strive every day to make a life worth living.

Answer #3

For me I learned through personal experience that only when you learn to forgive yourself you can forgive others & move on to living a happy life.

Just say f* it…and live ur life!

Answer #4

That we have only one life…and we’re all living it too seriously.

Answer #5

. 6 January 2011 was something of an Epiphany for me. .

Answer #6

That life is all but a dramatic play.

Answer #7

Iv experieced deppresion, possibilty of differnt diseases, ADD, bullying, witnessing my brother getting abuse from my father and more and im 16. iv learned tht everything happens for a reason and i hav to change my way of thinking, always caring about wat others think of me is taking over my life. i just want to be. life is short and i think im meant for sumthn big tht i havnt met yet. i only dress, do my makeup and hair acorddingly to how well others respond to it. i dont hav to be beautiful so i dont wana be called that anymore. i dont wana be smart cuz i dont wana be defined a ceratin way. im no longer guna base who i am by how others see me.

Answer #8

Im changn my ways and im guna try to get dress and look the way and act the way i want for myself, cuz i deserve to feel reasured and confident. im dun with wastn my time tryn to impress others

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