How many emotions can a human feel?

I was thinking how many emotions can a human been feel? anger, happiness,sadness but then theres mixed up ones love/hate how many can one person feel??

Answer #1

The human body/mind is very complex. There are so many emotions one can feel.

FEAR: tense anxious afraid nervous worried condcerned scared insecure

GUILT: ashamed judged damned convicted condemned undeserving sentenced disgrace villain remorse contempt

SPACE: expanse vast void empty universe astronomic boundless colossal enormous sweeping tremendous unbounded unlimited

SAD: dejected depressed manacholy sorrwful dismal blue down gloomy glum forlorn low

LONELY: empty abandoned void hollow nothing alone sunken desolate bleak withdrawn detached aloof distant

HAPPY: cheerful delighted glad pleased elated thrilled smile humour

LOW SELF-WORTH: rejected worthless useless unimportant ignored left out humiliated pathetic shy timid

BEAUTY: charm elegance glamour grace superior excellence lovely delightful charming

CONFIDENCE: assured sure certain positive safe stable balanced grounded brave proud

UPLIFTING: height towering overhead elevated lofty magnificent surpassing sublime glorious grand transcendent

TRAVEL: journey procede ramble adventure dive soar trek voyage

TIME: generation interval space endless interval season era span life time

(That’s just a few)

Answer #2

Dear thedudebrokemyheart, Wilhelm Wundt in 1874 proposed that all emotions could essentially be described along three dimensions – pleasantness vs. unpleasantness, excitement vs. depression, and tension vs. relaxation. We have used these categories for years. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

oh there are so many lol to many to name I think,, because have you ever heard a person say they feel funny but they cant explain it because its neither happi or sad its none of them lol

Answer #4

2 many

Answer #5

A whole rainbow of emotions!

Answer #6

a lot… probably more than 10!

Answer #7

endless amounts

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