Emo Screename?

I know im punk but I really like the emo screenames, any ideas?

Answer #1

by the way my screename comes from the green day song “One for the Razorbacks:

Answer #2


Answer #3

uhhh..well you kinda cant be punk & decide 2 get an emo name because then your just a poser. if you dont cut urself, then razorblade 45 doesnt make much sense to have because your trying to be depressive. do something original and about urself, dont go copying something you arent. Or if you like it, make it your own.

Answer #4

punk and emo are two different things its either one or the other unless you combine punk and emo together to make a screen name..lol hope this advice helped

Answer #5

lol maybe like xxrazorback45xx I don’t know

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