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Emo kid song
what do you guys think abour the emo kid song by adam and andrew I think its far beyond low and stupid I cant stand it
Yea I LOVE my eye color. if people don’t believe they’re real.. I touch my eyeball with my finger and am like “see… told you… no contacts, just eyeball” hahaha I’m the only one in my family who has them. My brother and mom have blue eyes… but not the same shade as mine. And yea that’d probably be good haha
I think all there songs are funny …there not really teasing people who are emo…or gangsters or any other sterotype…there just singing about all the things that people generally think about when thy think of that particular steroytype… but they certainly didnt want to offend anyone, they just thought it would be funny
hahaha actually I mean rather evil when I get pissed… I kick, bite, punch, cuss well… I do that daily… lol, throw things, etc. My eyes even look like they’re black when I get really pissed. It’s rather awesome I guess haha
hahahaha thats awesome lol Mine has gone an orange colour before lol my eyes are usually black if not there brown I am so not pissing you off lmao
hhmmm maybe not lol but if we were which me most definitel arent plotting a murder we sure arent going to stop by the jb house hahaha
xxxemoxxxlifexxx - Glad you like my idea… I amaze myself… j/k! haha But yea it would be f*cking HILARIOUS to do that lol
hahaha please stop by the jb house lol angel huh you have horns that hold up the halo hahahahahahaha well thats different lol
Most people are like “ewww did you just touch your eye?!” and I’m like “uhh yea…” and they’re like “THAT’S GROSS!” and I’m like “well YOUR the one who didn’t believe my eyes were real so I proved it to you XD” hahaha
I like it but there teasing emos and thats stupid I love emos there awesome thats why I got my lip pierced and put pink streaks in my natural blond hair
rofl yea… most people usually decide to AVOID pissing me off at all costs lmao My eyes are usually an icy greyish blue color. Most people think they’re contacts but they’re not.
I’m really a lil angel… my horns just hold up my halo gives innocent look but an evil grin slips out too
Ok that song is just plain fcking STUPID. Anyone who actually likes that is also fcking stupid. ALL “emo kid songs” are pure stupid. Who gives a fck if they’re emo or not… it’s none of your damn business so leave them alone. I vote all the emos should make a song about them called “The Fcking Retard song”. I’ll help if there are any takers on that haha
im an emo kid un conforming as can be you’d be non conforming to if you were just ilke me I have paint on my nails and makeup on my face im almost emo enough to start shaving my legs cause I feel real deap while im dressing in drag I call it freedom of expression most just call me a fag. im just a bad cheap imitation of goth and if you catch me in my ryme and watch me jack off I wear skin tight clothes while hating my life if I said I liked girls I’d only be half right I look like im dead and dress like a homie!!!…I must be emo blsh I could go on!! haha I know all the words..
I feel like tacos!!
oh we wont miss there house lmao takes out knife and eyes start blazing a firy red haha
hahahahaha takes out sword and does some ninja moves oh yea… I’m the ninja devil ahahahahahaha
rubs hands together evily excellent XD We’ll teach them stupid f*ckers to make fun of US!
U sound like you have beautiful eyes and yea id definately avoid pissing you off lol
to many haha’s lmao well me and my birdie love you equally
and im an absoute saint hides devil tail away hoping it wont get notice lmao
Yea I’m told that I’m plain f*cking HILARIOUS… and I have to agree haha
mmmHmmm lol hahaha gives untrustworthy look lol
hahahahaha definitely a plan lmao XD
I think it’s completly stupid. It’s not funny it’s offecenive.
ofcourse not hides hatchet and chainsaw we are so not that evil lmao
hahahahahahaha thats hilarious lmao
hahahahaha awesome
I hate that freakin song it does my head in
hahaha the ninja devil lol im not messin with you lmao
haha that would be hilarious making that song lmao I’ll help hahahahahahaha
haha nice
hahahahaha yea yea I think your bird loves me more lmao
man you r the devil lmao
Hahaha that sounds like a plan lol
It sounds like you two are planning an assasination not a song lmao
haha fer sure
so what you still love me lmao :P
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