What is she thinking?

Got to know this girl from a fren. We don really know each other but she started to call and text me after our first meeting. We were in a club, we dance, we do our own thing and then we started kissing. Its fine to me because we were just having fun thats all! After that, we started to meet even more and everytime at the end of our meeting, she will kiss me. So I got confused, I told her that I wanted her to be mine. She told me that she isnt ready for this and going to leave soon. From that day onwards, we hardly call or text anymore. I was an IDIOT. But she still asked me out once and act like nth is going on…what is she thinking???

Answer #1

Maybe she just wants to have some fun, with no strings attached? Or maybe she has commitment issues and freaked out when you said something. Play it cool, and tell her that the casual thing that was going on before was cool (if it was), and see if she warms back up after a little while.

Answer #2

may be she dont want a realtionship she want to be good friend or like fliring

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