Should I change my hair?

well I have brown hair with blonde highlights and I dont know if I should go blonde…my hair is straight and I want it curly…what can I do?please help

Answer #1

Well, as a hair stylist… I simply must advise you on this.

But first I must ask a few questions… you say you want it curly, if so… you would get a perm, yes? I deffinitely don’t think you should go to blonde AND get a perm. This is extremely damaging to your hair and in the end…it won’t be worth it because your hair will be so dead.

If you have highlights and still want to keep the blonde, your best bet is to just touch up the highlights every month or two months.

And if you go to a hair stylist who is willing to do both a perm and a color service for you, DON’T see them! They aren’t a good stylist!

I would simply choose one or the other: Go blonde, or do the perm. If you still want to do both, you’re going to have to wait a while before you can get to do the other… again, to prevent from frying your hair.

Was I any help? :)

Answer #2

hey… omg im the EXACT SAME WAY I have lonnng brown hair (like down 2 my butt) and its highlighted and it has this annoying wave all over its like random so my strands look really messy!! im getting it dyed either darrrk brown or like reddish brown and cut and thinned and wispy sidebangs… but 4 u… hmm. probably experiment a little like overnight curlers or something… then experiment with wigs and see what you like! p.s. ask your stylist about what would look hott on you and dont go like emo or something like black hair and bangs that cover one eye… its creepy, people judge you, and people wont hire you if customers are going to be afraid of you lol. hope this helped!

Answer #3

personally I have never dyed my hair but I did get a perm like 6 years ago and I wish I never did my hair used to be so soft and straight and now it is fluffy and I hate it have you tried using curlers or something like that ?

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