
My nine year old has a rash on her stomach. is it egsma or something serious?

Answer #1

Escema can come in many forms. Sometimes it will be a red, dry and itchy rash, sometimes it will be a dry, flakey, sort of pimply rash (that’s not very itchy if not at all). The key is dryness. She should go to a doctor. It’s very hard for anyone on here to tell if she has escema because we can’t see the rash and most don’t have the medical knowledge. If it’s very itchy it’s more likely to be something like an allergic reaction. But she really does need to go the doctors, if it’s escema they can prescribe an emollient cream that will keep it at bay. Skin rash’s are usually never serious unless they come with other symptoms like shortness of breath or swelling (which might indicate an allergic reaction) so I wouldn’t worry. Hope this helps x

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