What are you eating for lunch today?

i am having pizza yum

Answer #1

Don’t usually eat lunch but really feel like munching on a chocolate bar… It is nearly Christmas.

Answer #2

Drove to town and had an A&W shrimp basket.

Answer #3

Im having pizza too! Im putting Franks hot sauce on it though. :) its in the oven; trance music blaring, anticipation building.

Answer #4

Franks hot sauce. I put that sh!t on everything haha

Answer #5

oh that sounds good

Answer #6

im eating it now and my tongue is having a seizure…

Answer #7

toooooooo hot for me. I like my pizza dipped in garlic sauce

Answer #8

a bottle of water and some minty gum, i never eat lunch lol

Answer #9


Answer #10

or breakfast,LOL i just eat dinner and sometimes snack in between meals

Answer #11

Pizza, cinnamon twist and an apple

Answer #12

U ate pizza yesterday :)

Answer #13

Lol ikr. I usually eat pizza everyday :-) its ohhh sooo good

Answer #14

I had a packet of skips :3 was wicked! :D

Answer #15

whats that o_o

Answer #16

What exactly is that may I ask

Answer #17

Oh yea i love it too. My daughter could eat it everyday too. brought some home after work yesterday she saw it and got all excited … PIZZA PIZZA haha

Answer #18

I had a smoothie and pasta salad. I wanted to get Indian food though :(

Answer #19

mmmmm smoothie sounds good. Thanks now i know what im going to stop and get on the way home from work :)

Answer #20

:D:D What smoothie are you getting?

Answer #21

I had the school’s pizza but everyone didn’t want the last piece of pepperoni pizza that was left and the lunch lady refused to get another pizza out or even move the last piece over to the other pepperoni pizza plate thing so I had to get the last slice so everyone could get cheese too but I wish I had cheese =/ so i had pepperoni pizza, chocolate milk and kroger brand cola that I drank next period ha ha! =D

Answer #22

strawberry banana…. my fav. whats your fav?

Answer #23

Oh man . mean ol lunch lady haha. i would have givin you a fresh slice :)

Answer #24

I had yoghurt and 2 apples and a granola bar.

Answer #25

healthy :)

Answer #26

Need more protien for your hair though :)

Answer #27

The granola bar probably had protein, lol.

Answer #28

Nothing I don’t eat lunch. :P

Answer #29

yea a little bit hehe. should try those protien bars. they are kinda yummy lol

Answer #30

skips??? they’re like crisps :D prawn cokatail flavor ^_^

Answer #31

I had McDonald’s food .-.

Answer #32

I had an apple for breakfast, and a tic-tac for lunch.. Im lazy.

Answer #33

freakin had waffles!!!!

Answer #34

I had chicken nuggets and apple pie… Very nutritional lol.

Answer #35

mac and cheese :) and it will be left over enough to have for dinner, so i gotta make two boxes

Answer #36

rise and some local dishes

Answer #37

ima go get a sandwhich on the move in about 40 minutes HMV have got a dvd sale on and I gotta go get pictures printed so im being bad and walking and eating :P

Answer #38

Spaghetti bolognese were today on menu.

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