eating issues...

I haven’t felt like eating lately.
I’m hungry…but I just don’t care to eat. eating for me is sooo boring and annoying to have to sit down and eat.
I haven’t been eating that much because I just don’t feel like I want to eat anything.

that’s what I’m feeling like right now.

so…what the heck is wrong with me, and how do I fix it?

Answer #1

I dont know what you could do about it but I get that way sometimes too it just comes and goes

Answer #2

thanks for your advice. I’ll definitely re-examine my life, if you know what I mean.

and thanks for your sarcastic answer informer 220. I’m not stupid, I know I have to eat to survive. anyways…whatever.

Answer #3

you fix it by eating… or do you want me to lie to you by saying you dont have to eat? you NEED to eat or ull end up with a weak body… and you get bored eating??? try watching TV while eating maybe you wont be THAT bored…

Answer #4

Sounds like you’re depressed and lost your appitite. Or, maybe you’re fasting for some reason. Well, if you’re bored and eating bores you, you could turn on a favorite TV show or something and get a snack or something. Maybe something’s happened in your life that’s causing you not to eat as much. Maybe you need to get with your boyfriend and sit down and enjoy his company and eat as well. You just need to force yourself to eat. You can’t starve yourself! It’s not healthy for the body or mind. If you need too, then you can see your doctor as well.

Answer #5

Depression can cause that…

Try eating with someone you enjoy being around.

Answer #6

umm maybe you are coming down with a cold or something because sometimes when I’m sick I feel lazy to eat like I’m hungry but I just don’t want to eat you willhave to eat something to get better thou

Answer #7

Has something depressing happened lately? Have you gained weight (not saying it looks like you have, but you know what I mean)? Have you been broken up with by someone you loved to pieces?

Once in a while I get in these moods too…Mainly because I get depressed or gained weight. It’s okay once in a while, you just got to force yourself to get up and eat something. Eventually, it gets better.

Hope I helped! ♥

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