Easiest way to carve a pumpkin?

What’s the easiest way to carve a pumpkin for halloween? We always spend at least an hour doing so every year on each pumpkin, are there any short cuts?

Answer #1

Power tools…I have got to try that. Thanks.

Answer #2

None that I’ve ever found. :) The way we do it is to cut out the top, scoop out the seeds, then spray it out with a water hose. Then we draw the faces on and start carving. The best part though is roasting the pumpkin seeds in the oven. Yummy.

Answer #3

Power tools. Get a small power saw. Be very careful. Cut open the top and scoop out the seeds. Then use a permanant marker to draw on the design you want. Then saw away. Very fun and I got 6 pumpkins done in 15 minutes. Plus the results are great.

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