Ear peircing

Does peircing your ears hurt? How do they do it? And where is the best place to get them done?!

Answer #1

The pain involved will depend on how much pain you can personally handle. It’s not going to be unbearable, so don’t be scared. Most professionals use a needle to do it. The best place to get them done is at a professional piercing place… or a tattoo artist who also does piercings. When picking the right place, you need to know what to look for what’s good and what you should stay away from… if you need help with this or would like any tips, let me know. I know exactly what to look for and how to pick a good place to go to.

Answer #2

It’s a bit of a pinch, but nothing serious.

I don’t know how it’s done these days- when I got mine done years ago, they used a gun, but I heard recently that they stopped using them -I don’t know if that’s true or not…either way, most jewelers will do it in store, which I recommend as opposed to trying to do it yourself.

Answer #3

I got mine done when I was 5 in a store at the mall. They used a gun and it hurt. I got a second set when I was 13 at a salon. They used a gun and it still hurt. I pierced one of my ears a third time when I was 17 in my bathroom. I used a safety pin, and it hurt, but not nearly as bad.

The guns and the malls aren’t recommended because they aren’t visited by health inspectors so you never know how many piercings are done with the same gun. and it can spread infections.

If you go to a piercer at a tattoo parlor, they will use a new needle for every piercing. they use surgical grade steel needles that are very very sharp like you would find in a hospital it makes a clean incision so it doesn’t hurt nearly as bad a a gun shoving a blunt post through your ear.

Answer #4

it dont hurt. its a small pinch. They just put some rubbing alcohol an some black stuff an my lobz an just stuck them through, itz proly a hawaiin thang because thatz where I got it done.

Answer #5

lol it doesnt hurt and also doesnt matter where you go because its pretty much the same everywhere lol. its usually like 9.00 at walmart depending on the earing lol.

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