Dying my hair pink what do you think

I’ve been thinking about dying my hair pink for people with cancer my grandmother died from caner I never got to meet her but I was wondering what do some of you think sould I dye my hair pink

Answer #1

ohh thats so cute go right ahead it will look sick :]

Answer #2

Creative and thoughtful - if you really want to do it… GO FOR IT! I bet a lot of people would be very proud of you for having such courage.

Answer #3

You should like maybe do that spray on pink stuff that will come out in the shower and just do that everyday. you might regret dying your hair pink

Answer #4

umm I wouldnt dye my hair pink because it might turn out a different color and also it kills your hair but umm I do the locks for love for th cancer so they can make wigs

Answer #5

I think it would be best to just get pink highlights that would be great but pink would be a shoker (especially neon) you should go for light pink highlights they will bring out your complexion and your hairs natural color.

Answer #6

yes I say go for it,but make sure that is the true reason and not just an excuse to die your hair pink.I love pink hair I think it is cool. Oh! by the I am 55 and I just died my hair pink hubby not happy ooops. He said I am to old for pink hair I am not a punk he says. I say I am as old as I feel , I feel real stupid right now only cause I did not ask him first.

Answer #7

it sounds like a great idea, and for a great cause too as mandyloo said though, getting it profesionally done would be a good idea youve have dark hair, and it will require bleaching more than once to get it to light blonde so the pink will come up properly if you did it yourself,your likley to not bleach it enough or right and it will come up orange (the natural pigment in your hair) and pink over that colour wont be the look your going for but it sounds like a great idea check with your schhool and job though, if they dont approve, perhaps tell them why your doing it and about the cause its for you coyuld even help raise awarness and collect money to donate from this

Answer #8

Personally I think it rocks! but you better be ready for all of the haters in the world. they will say some pretty shi*ty stuff to you. but as long as you dont care and only focus on the positive feedback that comes your way then more power to you honey. Go for it!


Answer #9

do itt!!!

Answer #10

Pink streaks would look really gorgeous!

Answer #11

If you do decide to dye your hair pink - get it done professionaly. Pink is a very hard color to do on your own, especially since you have to bleach your hair before you can die it pink.

Also, pink is a color that you are going to have to dye every couple of weeks to keep the color in it.

Answer #12

I think you should only die it if you really want it. If you think it’s the right thing, then go for it!

  • I personally love pink hair! :)
Answer #13

pretty awesome

Answer #14

If You wonna do it, I think you should! && its for a good cause!

Answer #15

If you really want to support people with cancer donate to locks of love like teresa said

Answer #16

yea I agree with them

Answer #17

It’s creative and good cause for cancer. You should do it.

Answer #18

I have dyed my hair Pink completly twice. It looked sooo good. With long thick hair it look nice all cover. But with short hair streaks are nice. I color I used didn’t damage my hair. It was a a moouse, made with allnatural ingredients.

Answer #19

I had pink bangs and i loved it =]

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