Dying My Hair Black..

I recently dyed my hair black and I dont know if it was a mistake or not. It was a lighter brown before and I made a dramatic change fast. My little brother says I look emo. And my dad doesnt like it becuase it doesnt look natural? My mom confuses me.. I dont know if shes lying to me to make me feel better or not? I like it. [well at first I didnt but now im use to seeing myself with it] but I dont want to look EMO becuase im not.. problem is is I like to wear black and pink? and I paint my nails black when I dont have fake ones? so I don’t know what to do… Help =/

Answer #1

people can have black hair and not be emo same with the clothing and nails if you like your hair then keep it if not don’t if you like it why do you even care about anyone else’s opinions?

Answer #2

well your look is kinda emo (nothing wrong being emo… im emo… AND THAT DOESNT MEAN I CUT MYSELF! DUUH) if you wear black and pink cloth and have black hair? and if your friends stops hanging out with you they definetly wasnt your friends to start with! you should try it for a while and see how it feels :D

Answer #3

people have incredibly stupid ideas of what an emo is. my friend has black an purpl hair and shes not an emo. died/hilited hair rarely looks natural but its still beautiful. if YOU like it, it duznt matter what your family sez

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