Dying my hair black!

My mum said I can dye my hair black! Would a very kind person have a look at my photos and see if it would suit me? Please answer truthfully

Answer #1

I think that it can look great if you’ve got pale skin and very dark hair.

It can look really striking. I’d suggest though not just colouring it a block colour black through it though. You can get some that shine red in the light and stuff, so it won’t look as ‘in your face’ kinda thing :)


Answer #2

Honestly I think you’d look a lot better with the hair color you have now. You’re already really pretty! :)

Answer #3

you could try it…but generally speaking…God did a good job…why change it…you look pretty enough… is it a statement that you want to make for dyeing it black? there is a good rule…check your color hues… there is a book called “Color me beautiful” get a copy…read it…

Answer #4

I looked at your pictures and I think coloring your hair black would not look so good. Your skin is to light and I think you woud be very pale. I died my hair last year black and it did not even look good on me. I though it would because I’m Italian and have pretty dark skin. So make sure your positive because it took a long time before I couldgo back to my normal brown.

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