Dying my hair.

I have wanted to dye my hair blonde or black for a long time. I don’t know which one will look better… and whichever one I choose I am going to put a few pink highlights in. Also if I choose black I will put blonde highlights in too. ( and vice versa) My skin is pretty pale but it doesn’t really matter bc I’m going for a “rocker” look. Which color do you think I should go for?

Answer #1

I think black would look awesome on you, I don’t think blonde would suit you tho

Answer #2

yeahh..go with black. it would look good. I think with pale skin you should just stick with brown. But if you want some change why dont you try a dark brown with some red or blonde highlights in it..maybe even both! :] just some options. because I have pale skin and I had a reddy brown color and it looked really good..if you have a lot of pink figment in your skin then red should work out good.

Answer #3

black would look very cool on you go with black

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