Dying Hair?

ok… I want to dye my hair black but my mom won’t let me because she thinks I’m going goth and I’m not… how do I convince her that I want to dye my hair with out getting on her nerves about it???

Answer #1

Honestly, there is no real way to convince her besides just telling her that it will make you happy and you want to do it. Because it is in no way necessary for you to dye your hair, and so the only way it would benefit you is to give you self-confidence. That’s about the only thing I can think of.

Answer #2

tell her you think it will look good on you and it would make you feel more confident if you love your hair. the thing about dying it black is that it might get damaged. I’ve been dying my hair a dark brown color with a really slight reddish purple tint for about 2 years now and it looks black for the first 2 months after I dye it. since its only dark brown my hair is actually really healthy, when I get my hair shampooed at the salon they always tell me how healthy my hair feels lol.

Answer #3

You could always dye it a dark brown colour or a purple? Any colour darker than your natural one. By your picture I THINK you’re blonde so it won’t be difficult to chose a darker colour.

Plus, if you are indeed blonde, if I’m right, it will make a VERY drastic change to your hair colour and if you don’t like it, you have chosen the worst colour to get out quickly.

Just to be safe, chose a wash-in wash-out colour. This dye only lasts until you wash your hair again. This is great if you are unsure whether you will suit a colour.

I know I’ve said a lot but I have a lot of experience on this.

Answer #4

You can’t really convince her, maybe she’ll warm to it.

To be honest with you, I have been dying my hair black since I was 12/13 and I am now 16. Because I was dying it so much, a lot of hair kept falling out when I was brushing and washing it because it was so weak from the dying. But I HAD to keep dying it because of the horrible roots it caused. Its a never ending cycle and is very bad for your hair. Once you’ve dyed it black you can’t dye it anything else as no other colour will cover it. If you wanted to dye it a different colour, you would have to grow the black out which takes a long time. (I know as I’m doing that now) I got very fed up with black hair so Im growing it out to my natural colour. I’ve noticed my hair is a lot healthier and isn’t falling out anymore!

Please don’t dye your hair black, it does a lot of damage. But, all said and done, it’s your choice. :]

Answer #5

Tell her that you’ll do it anyway. Buy the hair dye and do it at a friends house. Then she’ll just have to deal with it.

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