Was it wrong to hangup on him??

he calld me one day asking to hangout, I told him I cant he sed why not and I hanged up on him was that the wrong thing to do? did I make him really mad?

Answer #1

if you hung up on him only because he asked you y you couldnt hang out then yes that was definatly the wrong thing to do, theres no need to hand jus because of a question like that, you shouls have atleast said to him I got some other things pland or jus a simple ‘nah not today I don’t really feel like it’ or ‘nah I cant be botherd to come out today sorry’. I think you mite have pissed him off abit but he’ll get over it eventually, or jus call him or txt him sayin summin like ‘ hiya sorry for hangin up on you the other day, I know it was rude I just had other thiings on my mind thats all’ or something like that.

hope this helps u, good luck

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