Dumped & Heartbroken, help??

I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years and I kept asking him are you sure you love me? we’ve been arguing but only about little stuff and all of a sudden he tells me its over because I kept asking him that question. because everytime I would ask him he would REALLY think about it for a couple days. I ask him this because I feel like he’s not trying hard enough to fix things when they’re bad. and he cant tell me if he loves me or not. he just answers “I dont know.” he says he doesnt know how he feels or what he wants.I dont want to sit around waiting for him,but I dont want to lose him. what should I do?

Answer #1

to duckie242

but he says he wants space to think. and I want to give him that,but I dont know how long that’ll “space” be. I never saw this kind of thing happening. we’ve argued but nothing to serious where I thought our relationship was in jeopardy. and he tells me that I’m not the one at fault except for that one question.

Answer #2

You need to give him a reality check. You tell him that he needs to decide now. He doesnt have to love you to be with you but you need to know if you guys can be in a relationship and if its possible for it to grow. If he doesnt clear things up right then and there then dont waste your time on this loser. He obviously doesnt appreciate you and is taking you for granted. So just give him on last chance. But if he fails its time to move on!

Answer #3

well he loves you, he’ll come back to you!!!

if he doesnt then he doesnt love you!!

and why do you want to make someone love you if you cant.. stop wasting time and start looking for someone else

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