How to cure dry hands for cheap?

I have extremely dry hands and I’ve try heavy duty stuff and heavy duty lotion and it isnt working! So if you have a cure for me for little money i would be soooooooo thankful!

Answer #1

they sell handsoap at walmart that has little things inside so when you wash your hands the things burst. the little things contain something that mosterizes your hands after 3 days

Answer #2

drink lotsa water…you might be dehydrated…try skin turgor test…pinch ur skin, if it returns flat quickly (when you pinch it youre you got dry mouth as well?

just drink heaps of water…and also juice or watery fruits like watermelon and pear.

or you might be washing ur hands like, every 15 min or so, just buy a hand sanitizer with aloe.

Answer #3

try lanolin. it comes from sheeps wool [i no that sounds creepy] but it seriously works. put it on right b4 u go 2 bed, and then put those disposable gloves on so u don’t get it all over ur sheets and u will have soft hands by morning. u can buy it @ rite-aid or somewhere like that and it’s pretty cheap.

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