Drowning in love

Im in love with my camp leader…love at first sight.

This is a big prob, because I really really like him, he’s funny, kind, wild, excellent at sports…but he’s 19…im only 13..but people say I look like im eighteen…sorry, anyways I…want to tell him how I feel..but…im so confused, what do I do???

Answer #1

Sounds like a crush…Oh well…lets face it…he’s older and has bigger things to do…like work…Just enjoy his company and don’t get weird because guys don’t like giggly chicks…

Answer #2

maybe its not love.. maybe its infactuation… I know the feeling… I would stick with just liking him from afar… its not as embarrising if anyone finds out, and stuff. but if you mus tell him leave a note.

Answer #3

I have sort of the same situation . im 17 he’s 22. but we have been “talking” since I was 13. I have not let my family know because I dont want them to force us apart.(and they will try) but because I have a situation like yours, I will tell you it will only get more diffucult. since you say you look older it will look as though he only wants you for one thing. so as long as you are completly sure that he does not just want you because you are young, then keep trucking. but, you have to draw a line for some things because as harsh as this may sound, you are naiive in the sense you don’t know what love is !

Answer #4

follow your heart, but dont lead it to destruction, wait it out, maybe its not really love, I thought I was in love three times before I met my true love, its so much different, if it is love then its up to you, you can tell him, but it could cause pain, is he taken? age doesnt block love, dont think about the age difference think about the mind difference, does he seem to have a special interest in you?

Answer #5


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