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Dont worry about what others may think looks good. dress in a way that you like personally. I’m a bohemian (not the geographical definition) and I dress the way I like to, without concern for popular style.
unless of course you want to dress like a geographical Bohemian. Ive never been to Bohemia so I cant say…
Okk. I wanna dress like all bohemian and layed backk. - 1 Answers
Okk. I wanna dress like all bohemian and layed backk. Right noww, I dress kinda like a prep I guess. Where do I shop? What d...
Yellow green dress - 1 Answers
What color of shoes do I wear with a yellow green dress for a wedding I was thinking gray but cant find any :(
What is the name of a dress with a "bra-line"? - 1 Answers
What is the name for a dress of shirt with one of those "bra-lines on it?...the bra is kindof part of it in a way
Bohemian hairstyles - 1 Answers
I looked online and I found some really cute Bohemian hairstyles but what makes them Bohemian??
When a girl had back ofher dress in her panties would you tell her? - 2 Answers
If a girl just came out of the bathroom and she had the back of her dress stuck in her panties would you tell her?
What are some sports uniforms I can dress up in? - 1 Answers
So, I get to dress up as a sports player today. Last minute thing..I know.. Well, what are some sports uniforms I can dress ...
Dress for a Patriots game? - 1 Answers
I am going to a patriots game in november. How should I dress? Is it going to be really cold there? Should I put things on...
Im a male who wants to dress up as elvira for halloween, thoughts? - 3 Answers
Im a regular guy who has been wanting to dress as elvira for a while now for halloween. Any thoughts on that?
How can I make a t-shirt into a baby dress? - 2 Answers
I want to make a dress for my baby sister. Does any one know how to turn a shirt into a dress?
Which dress would this bag match? - 2 Answers
so I have put my bag on my pics with my dress would they match?
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