Dream Weddiing!

As little girls/boys we all say things that we would love when we grow up: who we would marry, where we would live, what our job would be etc…

But as we get older we sometimes think more into what we want. I was wondering what would your dream weddding or if you are already married was it like you thought it would be??

Please reply! Tank you! :)

Answer #1

I never thought I’d get married but I did. When I was younger I thought about the white dress wedding but it never seemed natural to me since I wasn’t religious. Then as I got older I thought if I ever got married it would have to be something different like in some long forgotten African tribe ritual. Finally when I did get married it was in Morocco and it was much better then I could have imagined. It lasted a few days with lots of signing and dancing. Tons of foods and I got like three different wedding dresses. All to say, it was too amazing to have imagined before hand and I can’t imagine a better dream wedding :-)

Answer #2

I want to get married. I don’t really have a dream wedding in mind…just something simple but if I have the money to flaunt, something big and extravagant!

Answer #3

wELL tO bE hONEsT, I kOULd aFFoRD a biG oVER tHE tOP wEddiNG… bUT I wANt sOMeTHiNG siMpLE, LiKE a WeDDiNG aT a niCE cHuRch, anD a HaLL tHATS rEALLy biG… aND tHE bEST thiNG, jUST wiTH thE pERSoN I LoVE… cAUSE witH hiM iT SHoULDnT maTTeR hOW tHE wEDDiNG iS… cAUSE aT tHE enD, yOU gOT whO/ wHAT yOU moST wANteD iN LiFE =]

Answer #4

im getting married when I turn 20 to my amazing boyfriend. I live in utah. known for the best snow in the world. so we are going to get married at snow basin ski resort. there is a beautiful lodge there. HUGE!!where they throw weddings. there is going to be red rose peddles all over the now, and also candles. im so excited.

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