Dream interpretation

My dad dreamt of me his daughter surrounded by a group of men and I was smoking pipe and holding a bottle of booze on my other hand.please interprete this if you can.

Answer #1

In order to properly understand this dream, I’d need to know your past;This dream is most likely just a dream, but you never know. Have you ever done drugs? would you ever consider doing drugs? Have you ever had a boyfriend who was a ‘badboy’? Has you’re family ever had probloms with the law? Is there any major events in your family involving gangs? If so, how recently? And has your father ever had dreams that have come true previously?

Answer #2

It could just be that your dad is being a natural caring parent and fears for you especially during tour teenage years. I’m only just a teen at13 so I really have not been too exposed to that but next time you see him hug him and tell him you love him. After that his dreams might stop but if they don’t it could be what lunar said above. Even so you should still comfort your dad for fearing for you. It’s a natural thing.

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