my question is : “Is making your eye makeup semi-dramatic everyday bad?” I mean you never know when you could met someone special right?? I mean I belive in chanel’s quote, “and always look your best for destiny”

Answer #1

No it isn’t bad, it’s all about what you prefer. I never wear make up and my boyfriend still thinks I am beautful.

Answer #2

When I’m around my boyfriend I feel so ugly if I don’t have make up on. Well I don’t look too great with make up on but make up just gives me a tiny bit more confidence. I think I’m becoming abit too dependent on wearing make up. Everyday I do my eyes really black and smokey. It does look dramatic but it makes me feel good so I do it mostly for myself not for a guy I might happen to bump into.

Answer #3

If a man is attrated to you, your eyes are the least he is admiring. It may get his attention, but the he has one thing in mind, the cookie!

Answer #4

most guys I know like a natural girl one that doesn’t wear too much make up

Answer #5

Wear your makeup however the hell you please. I always wear my makeup dark and if someone doesn’t like it, they’ll get the middle finger and a pleasent “MIND YOUR OWN F*CKING BUSINESS!” from me lol If a guy wouldn’t like you because of your makeup, he’s certainly not worth your time. A true lover would be able to accept you as you are.

Answer #6

Absolutely not. I wear my makeup how I want and it’s usually dramatic. I also do my makeup every day - guess what, my fiance still finds me attractive and beautiful.

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