I’m finally taken :] from that guy Greg ! daam we was sooo speachless & happy . but haawww the only thing that is giving me second thoughts was his ex, I know she’s gnna confront me about it . Haaww, what should I do ?!

Answer #1

Well if you think about it, it’s her that has to do something; you don’t need to do anything, lol. This guy asked you out and you accepted him and that is essentially all there is to it. She is his ex-girlfriend for a reason. If she decides to confront you, then all the problems are hers. If she cannot move on, or she simply failed in the relationship (or even if Greg did), then these are her issues and she has to deal with them herself. Her relationship with Greg is over and he has moved on, so she should do the same (that would be the mature thing to do).

All I would suggest is that you actually talk to Greg about this matter. Don’t be pessimistic and ask him absurd questions like “are you going to dump me for her”, etc. Simply tell him that you’re worried that she might confront you and that just in case she does, you will need some support. As your partner, I’m sure he won’t let you go through this alone and seeing as he is her ex-boyfriend, then he can resolve this issue with her better than you can. To reiterate, just explain this concern of yours (potential scenario) to your partner and tell him that if this is to happen, you will need him to support you. Aside from that, the matter is really out of your hands. You have done nothing wrong and you should not be treated as if that isn’t the case. I hope that helps :)!

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