Downloading off Lime Wire

Is there anyway to tell if you are downloading a virus off a video on Lime Wire. I know you can hit Preview and if it doesnt play a song then it is a virus, but how about a video? mp4 by the way.

Answer #1

thats not true. any of them could hold a virus regardless if the preview plays or can download limewire pro from limewire though. and this will help with some of the viruses

Answer #2

Well my friend downloaded a song off of there and her virus protection found it while it was downloading the virus name was InfoStealer.EXE sooo I guess it steals info?

Answer #3

You should have a good anti-virus program that you run at least once a week (daily if other people use your computer or you do a lot of browsing and downloading on the net).

You should also have a good spyware program which you should run at least once a week.

You should also have a good Registry Cleaner program which you should run at least once a week.

I use all of the programs listed below. Besides being good programs, and FREE, you also have the ability to continue working on your computer (online or offline) while the program is running.

AVG is a FREE anti-virus program that is excellent

Spybot - Search & Destroy removes spyware and it’s FREE.

Ad-aware removes spyware and it’s FREE!

Eusing Free Registry Cleaner is good and relatively fast.

If you at least have AVG and Spybot functioning on your computer, you have pretty good chances of stopping Virus’ and Spyware from invading your computer.

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