How do you download from YouTube?

how do you download from youtube?

Answer #1

I do it indirectly. First get an FLV (FLash Video) player - lots are available.

Make sure that you have enabled hidden folders to be visible. Then (with XP) open up any folder and click on the “Folders” icon. (That opens windows explorer.)

Drill down to “Temporary Internet Files (T.I.F.)” by expanding (clicking on plus signs): My Computer/C: drive/Docs and Settings/Owner’s folder/ Local Settings then right click ‘T.I.F.’and send a shortcut to your desktop.

(If you have never cleared your T.I.F., you are going to be overwhelmed by what is in there. Put an empty folder on you desktop and drag and drop copies of a few of the T.I.F. files over to it. I recomend only taking pictures (jpg’s, gif’s, etc.) and videos (avi, flv, etc.), and then check them out.)

Before you go to YouTube clear out your T.I.F. by opening I.E./click Tools/ click Delete Browsing History/ delete Files then Yes then ‘Close’ when its done.

Now anytime you play a YouTube file (or most files and picture you see on your moniter) you will find a copy here. But for YouTube, you have another step. When you open the shortcut (ignor the warning) sort the items by size. If you have rescently cleared your T.I.F. the videos that have rescently been playing are there as one of the largest files (not most streamed video though). YouTube videos all start with “get_video?video_id=”. Drag that file to your desktop or a folder, and there rename it what-ever-you-want.flv <<< note the ‘dot-ef-el-vee’. It will now play on your FLV player.

Remember and respect that much of the content on the web is copyrighted.

Good Luck !!

Answer #2

You can use some freeware like Aimersoft YouTube downloader to download videos from YouTube. Besides Firefox browser with free plug-in can also manage it. Here’s a guide page: .html hope to help you.

Answer #3

You have to download a program to rip videos and convert them for you.

My favorite is VDownloader. You can download it for free. The you just open it up while searching for your favorite videos then copy and paste the URL in Vdownloader and it will download and convert it for you. Then you can import the video into any program you want for editing if you want.

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