Does anyone go into a trance when listening to music?

dose any one else go into a kinda trance type of mood when listening to certain types of music ??? I do and it feeel sooo goood like nothing can harm me and no one can bring me down and like iam on top of the world


Answer #1

lol yes! I think it makes me go into a stage of sleep, like stage 1 or 2. Haha… :) If it can relax us that much, then everyone should have that happen to them.

Answer #2

I do sometimes and its AWESOME!!!

Answer #3

hahah same I stayed off to day too blastin music really loud suppirssed the next doors arent complaining about it lol

Answer #4

omg yeah I know every thing goes whossshhh and your on a natrual high I looove it

Answer #5

Hell yeah! It makes me feel on top of the world :)

Answer #6

yeahhh it is its like my drug I am hooked

Answer #7

yes!!! your not alone lol it’s the most amazing feeling in the world ^.^ love it =)

Answer #8

yeah!! especially disturbed.. its intense ayye! =]

Answer #9

whooo I am not the only one yesss

Answer #10

Go to see Tiesto play some trance music in concert a few weeks ago, went to my first ever dance music festival and even just watching it on DVD you just get this natural feeling, it’s unexplainable! It’s just the music, the ambience, the strings, Pads, and other synths…Or listening to Another heart breaks on the Time album by ELO or just listening to that ‘elevator music’ stuff

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