Does he have an interest in me?

Recently I got over a hard breakup and im trying my best to move onn but my friend is trying to hook me up wit this boy doug who I’ve ahd a crush on for a couple years he said I was hot and that he would go out wit me before but she asked him a couple days ago if he would goo out wit meh and he said thats were really good friendds and he doesnt want to ruin that and my friends asked are you sure you dont want to think bout it more and he said yea I want to think bout it more …do you think if he liked me he would have already said yes? Or just confussion? And is there ny thin I can do to get him moree interested and meh?

Answer #1

I think he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship - I think you should talk to him about this though, don’t get your friend to do it. If you truly like him you should talk to him yourself.

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