Is it normal for girls to masturbate?

Is it normal for girls to masturbate because my fiance asks me to for him but I can’t I feel sick and disgusting. Why would anyone want to? How could anyone get turned on by touching themselves?

Answer #1

well if you think it is disgusting then just dont do it. only do things that you feel comfortable doing.

Answer #2

masturbation is a healthy component of a normal sex life. Don’t think of it as dirty of shameful. It’s a wonderful thing. How can anyone please you, if you don’t know how you like to be touched?


Answer #3

some guys think its totally sexy that girls masturbate because they know how they liked to be touched. Its like the guy thinks that the girl is more in touch with how she feels and who she really is. Some guys get some serious boners just to see a girl caress her nipples. Why else do you think they like looking at porn?! Its just so sexy to them. And not only that, some girls do it because they’re curious about what sex might feel like. Or some are just trying to prepare themselves for when they start having sex. Look, I know this deal is coming from a girl, but ive masterbated before and it has helped in my sex life because I can tell my boyfriend how to touch certain areas and how hard to hit and stuff like that. Its very satisfying in a relationship. Not only that, its a bit of a turn on to him.

Answer #4

A lot of women have negative ideas and feeling about masturbation because of what society has taught us. You’re reaction is typical. That masturbation is dirty and disgusting. We are taught from early childhood that touching “there” is bad.

Quite the contrary. Masturbation is very healthy for women and very beneficial. Many women have trouble orgasming during sex. And it is usually because she has never had an orgasm before and doesn’t know how to have one. Exploring one’s self in solo sex prepares you for partnered sex.

Take a look at this very informative website about the female body:

Answer #5

The other responders seemed to miss or at least minimise the first part of your question. “my fiance asks me to for him but I can’t I feel sick and disgusting.” Is he asking you to masterbate for him to watch you??? if so, I can understand why you would have hesitation and negtive feelings. A good relationship hinges on communication and also is affected by expectations. If he has an expectation that you are not comfortable with, talk with him about it. He will probably honor your feelings and thereby grow in your respect for him. Good Luck Gino

Answer #6

Dear skinnysazwannabe, Normal is different for everyone. If you are not comfortable with masturbation that is something you should discussing with your partner. Good relationships are based on good communication. He was communicating something he would like. Be honest with him and tell him how you feel. We all have boundaries but we aren’t mind readers. Sue…good luck

Answer #7

What is wrong with you? Don’t you know how to use a keyboard to type in a way that won’t make everybody’s eyes hurt?!?

Answer #8

I need a way 2 maste.rbate and i cnt get s.ex toys and i am a virgin so i dont want anything 2 go in my as.s or okay???

Answer #9

Somebody edited the horrific dashes. Ha ha :-P

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