What are your opinions on dog fighting?

What are your opinions on dog fighting?

I hate it, I think it is disgusting.

Answer #1

if th police look at this they can jst fcuk off caus you’ll never find me and my uncle ha ha police pigs

Answer #2

yes it got killed but it maid my uncle john a lot of money.

Answer #3

It is sick and discusting and people who do it should be put to death…amoung other things…

Answer #4

Agreed. It’s a stupid thing for stupid people.

Answer #5

It’s disgusting, and says little for the advancement of human beings in the last 3000 years…If people want to watch living beings fight, go to a boxing match…at least humans have a “choice” to be a fighter or not.


Answer #6

cemitas… we would understand so much more of how it is CRUEL to do that to dogs. You are the reason why the government is trying to ban pitbulls in the first place. Supporting such a thing as dog fights is a wicked thing to do. Anyone involved should be punished, after all dog fighting is illegal. like they said. if you want to watch a fight go to a freaking boxing match.

Answer #7

I agree. It’s absolutely dispicable. What is the point? For futile entertainment for futile humans? People who watch or take part in activities like this should be ashamed of themselves. The poor anmals often die as a result from the awful fights. More action needs to be taken to stop this disgusting bloodsport.

Answer #8

dogfights are great when you are betting on the winner. I made over 350 last week on a pittie named “corncob” man… dont let the name fool you, sounds goofy right? but if you saw the neck of the other dog when the fight was over you would understand!

Answer #9

I agree with the rest. It is awful. What does that say for the people that have the dogs??? If they couldn’t make money on them, they would stop fighting them. Some people just don’t care, money is their god.

Answer #10

Of course no one would think its fun? if they do they need help! I did volunteer work at K9 dog rescue for 3 years, I witnessed several nasty dog fights its terrible.

Answer #11

I hope you die. I hope someone finds you and forces you to fight to kill to tear apart and I hope you climb your way to the strongest fighting position, then you meet a bigger ‘dog’ and die like, you get torn apart and you cry and beg in your last minutes of life, knowing that you’d rather be at home playing video games or watching tv. And I hope that when you FINALLY die, they leave you in the dirt and hate you and disgrace your body.

haha joke? Dog fights are murderous. youre probably into rape too huh?

Answer #12

and when tiny th pit got big it got big. here is another pic of tiny 5months after the last pic.

Answer #13

I think its so crude to those poor dogs! Its horrible.

Answer #14

and when tiny th pit got big it got big. here is another pic of tiny 5months after the last pic.

Answer #15

great sport like boxing and there’s loads money 2 be maid sure its desusting but so is a man wit an empty pockit

Answer #16

ha jst calm dwn its only a sport what eva way you look at it.

Answer #17

its absolutley disgusting

Answer #18

jst look at my uncles pit. and don’t tell me tat he didnt spend ova 10thousand jst feeding it and traing it

Answer #19

and when I say a lot of money I mean it. he got like ova 50thousand in 3 fights but we miss tiny but my uncle bought a new pit puppy frm holland. jst guess what we named it? yes tiny jr

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