Why is my dog eating its puppies?

Answer #1

Your dog might be refusing to the fact that its her kids. If you handled them to much when they were first born they would gain your sent. Therefor the mother would not think that they were hers but possibly yours. And she acctually ATE them!!! :( That is sad.

Answer #2

Usually dogs as well as rodents and many other mammals eat their young because they know there’s something wrong with them. They can tell they’re not normal and kill them. Don’t be worried, it’s a good thing, she knew they wouldn’t last long so she put them out of their misery.

Answer #3

I think I am going to be sick. Why don’t you remove the ones that are still alive and raise them yourself?

Answer #4

It’s because there was something wrong with them. My cat did it with one of her kittens

Answer #5

yea i agree with evil elmo!! remove them and dont let them get eaten!!! animal abuse by the dogs mommy and daddy.

Answer #6

Animals will sometimes eat their young when they havent developed maternal behaviour properly. Pregnancy is supposed to cause changes in the brain which enable the new mother to care for her young, but sometimes this goes wrong. The animal being agitated can also cause thing. Its especially common in rodents, who are quite cannabalistic

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