Dog ate animal droppings and is vomiting

He has vomited all the food in his stomach then later what looked like poop then just bile, what should I do for him? He is 8 months old.

Answer #1

um yea the chicken and rice works god give him plenty of water his stomach isvery upset you may notice that hes eating grass thats a sign also …if anying serious occur take him to the docter asap hopes this help

Answer #2

Well, he most likely got rid of what was upsetting his stomach when he vomited.

Keep an eye on him and if he’s acting normally and eating, then I’m sure he’ll be fine.

Answer #3

Don’t feed him anything else tonite…but provide water for him. If he gets diarreah, later, then put him on a bland diet of boiled rice and hamberger, or chicken for a couple of days and then gradually add in some of his regular food over the next couple of days. If his puking or diarreah persist, then you need to take him to the Vet, who will give you Flagyl to get the “yuk” out of his guts.


Answer #4

if he heeps pukin I would take him to the vet quik

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