does they like me?

A) Guy #1 He is like a really nice guy, and he always talks to me and treats me like a person but then he broke up with me last night and he said that we never see each other and if he moves to the school I go to next year that he will date me again. Last night we went to a track meet together and he thought that I was cheating on him with one of my guy friends that I have known since kindergarden and he says that I was. but I wasent I LOVE him. he means the world to me. (not the friend that I’ve known but guy #1.)when he was hanging out with his friends and I walked up and talked to him he was like talking to is friends not even noticing me. then my friends said to him that he needed to talk to me more and that if he didnt that that would not be good. then he had the nerve to say I am to shy. (he is a really really shy guy, unless he is with this one group of his friends) (I think its his immature friends) B) Guy #2 He is a really nice guy too. He is alwyas givin me attention but when I was dating guy#1 he like got mad when he saw like I love ???? on my hand and on my paper and he would walk away. then last night when me and guy #1 broke up he walked up and kissed me on the lips.I also flashed him. is that bad?? but today like he was asking my friend to the dance. C) Guy #3 he like a really good friend of mine we always hang out there is no attraction towards him from me…me and him are going to the dance together. he treats me just like a friend. D) Guy #4 Well he is a nice guy too. he is always wanting to be by me and talk to me and stuff even though he is dating my best friend and I was dating his cousin. But he is really cool he sticks up for me no matter to who it is to.

Will you tell me which one sounds like to you I should be with or if they like me? can you see that any of them like me?? I can but I don’t know. I need the advice. ASAP! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!

Answer #1

well im not an expert but i have been in a situation kinda like this. well, #1 sounds like he has alot of expectations for u to meet, and if u really love him then go for it and try to meet his needs but if its stressing u like its too much then i think u should tell him how u feel. i really like the sound of #2 though it seems like he really cares about u, just ride it out and see how things go

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