Does straightening ruin your hair?

I have really wild hair if I dont straighten it, so I was wonderin if it hurts your hair in any way? also, what’s a good, inexspensive straight iron?

Answer #1

yes if you straighten it a lot, when your not going out or anyfing just leave it and leave your hair to air dry its self

Answer #2

The best flat iron you can buy would be the CHI and something on your hair befor you use the Iron I recomend CHI silk infusion only about 2 pea size’s is all you need. The iron is not cheap but has a life time waranty on it check it out on the internet. you want to type in the seach bar CHI and see what the products do and how the iron works.
I dont have enough time to tell you everything about the iron but here is a few

Conditions the hair not break it more adds more shine less time will take you to flat iron with small you will only have to go over your hair once or twice.

Good luck

Answer #3

I think it depends how much you straighten your hair.. if you use them like everyday your hair would go brittle and get loads of split ends your only ment to straighten your hair 3 times a week. or buy like some protection stuff, it helps with my hair hope I helped out a bit! =) xXx

Answer #4

my friend has realy frizzy hair.she uses Treseme[I dont know how to spell it]straightenin makes it shiny and and protects your hair from the heat.A Revlon straightener.It makes her cray hair look and feel naturally comes out straighter than mine with that straightener.and trust me her hair is really crazy.

Answer #5

Unfortunately yes, it makes you’re hair a lighter shade like if you have black hair if you do it continuously for months then you might have dark dark brown hair that has split ends or else just looks dry I know my friend straightens her hair and she’s always complaining about split ends =]

Answer #6

yep, your hair starts too drop out! GO HARDCORE with creams to get it straight. seriously it would make me feel so happy if I knew you wouldn’t… my hairs dead from it after about a month! Dry your hair with the hair dryer pointing down at all times… leaves it smooth shiny and straight!!!

Answer #7

Yes, I had to cut my hair really short because I straightened it every day without protection. My hair is REALLY frizzy! My mom afterwards bought me some spray to protect my hair against the heat. It worked really well. But I still wouldnt always straighten your hair. Try putting it up in a pony tail. Good Luck!

Answer #8

well so many people say yes, but im 12 I wear hollister and abercrombie, not to brag im just saying that im not so,me freak thats too young to know about this . ok well I used to straighten my hair eevvverrry day nothing g happened dont wash your hair too much though only every other day, and some times like me because my straightener broke, I scrunch my hair, it tames THE MOST FRIZZIEST HAIR IN THE WORLD!!! all you do is get you hair damp, the putt tooonsss of gell ion it and take your hands and like arg this is hard to explain, okay, move you hands into a fist then out again while grabbing your hair then spray tooonnnsss of hairspray on it then gel it again. in the end you hair will be very hard and curly its sooo pretty trust m,e

Answer #9

I should be able to answer this one!

I used to straighten my hair everyday, and the ends went all whiteish and they would break off really easily. Also when I brushed my hair, the ends of my hair would fall off! and I was looking foward to making it grow straight and I had to have it cut off.

so yea, straightening is bad for your hair, try not to do it to often!

hope it helps gemma x

Answer #10

Exposing your hair to any kind of heat can be damaging. You know that even the sun damages your hair… so imagine what a straightening iron can do! The only thing you can do to REALLY protect your hair is to go to a professional salon and get a serum that protects against heat from curlers and straighteners. It may not be cheap, but think about the health of your hair. Cheap products tend to not work well. Keeping your hair healthy is worth the few extra bucks.

Answer #11

Oh so now I understand . I will not do it so often like I use too listening to all these people is making me want to stop doing it everyday so I’ll juts scrunch it with gel instead GREAT TIPS YOU GUYS>

Answer #12

cutieπ, hell yes if you do it all the time.

Answer #13

well if you use like a sratiner that you put on your hair thats hot then it will burn your hair and make it dry and stuff!

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