does she want to be with me

my girlfriend and I have been together for 7 months and I’ve known since day 1 I’ve wanted to spend the rest of my life with her…however recently shes changed and wont admit it…one day everything will be fine and I can tell she loves and cares…but the next day she will be a completely different person, she will act like I dont even exist…please help, im really going crazy about this

Answer #1

Girls are mysterious creatures, believe me I know a few. ;) Maybe she’s just getting cold feet. The more serious you become with someone, the more you stand to lose. She may be hesitant to let herself completely fall for you for fear of getting hurt. Just talk to her about how you are feeling and really listen to her. Let her know you really care about her and want her to be happy, and if she needs some space and time to think about what she wants out of your relationship, that’s ok too.

Answer #2

don’t be so into the idea of you guys being together. first, think of some possible reasons why she’s been acting like that. she may have her reasons why she’s doing that to you.. you need to talk first before assuming that she’s changed..

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