Does she still like me?

Me and my exgf got together about two years ago and we ended up breaking up after about a month, ever since then I cant stop thinking about her. Me and her still make out when we are both single and we cuddle all the time, Ive asked her out a couple times since we broke up but everytime she says she only likes me as a friend now. Some of my friends think she secretly still likes me, and I really dont know if she does or not. and I really dont know what I should do to try and get back with her

Answer #1

She likes you in a friend way, but thats it. Sad that she is still leading you on though. Its just messing with your head! If she says that she just likes you as a friend, she means it. Otherwise she would be in a commited relationship with you. If you keep letting her take advantage of your “friendship” its only going to hurt you more. You need to either get her out of your life completely, or just be friends (without the benefits)!!

You were only dating a month. Its not that hard to move on, but you have to allow yourself to!

Answer #2

She’s giving all the signs that she’s interested in you…or at least using you until she finds somebody else. I’m not a fan of the whole ‘friends with benefits’ thing and while I’ve had relapses with ex’s myself….it’s never a good idea, as things will quickly end up where they did the last time (eg, there was a reason you broke up, and it’ll probably happen again).

It hurts, but, better to move on….

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