Does she like me?

hello, so heres my problem…There is a girl..we have been friends for along time, since 5th grade. 3 yrs later, we are still great friends we went out once for a short tiem..btu it didnt work. we’ve had our fights and good times. Right now our realationship is the best it has ever been we talk for hours and hours everyday and go on dates ocassionally. I know i like her and i cant tell if she likes me or not. REcently everything has been great i want to ask her out but i dont want to ruin our great realationship eather. can i still ask her out and even if she doesnt like me, will we still be friends or what?…what should i do. Please help!

Answer #1

Sometimes people still stay friends if one asks the other out and gets turned down, and sometimes they don’t. We have no idea how she will react. People all react differently to that sort of thing. No one knows the future, so everything we do is a little bit of a gamble. So it’s up to you whether you want to take your chances and just stay friends, or try for something more. Good luck!

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