Does pineapple change the taste of cum?

My boyfriend and I agree to give each other oral sex. But I never done it before so I am nervous. Anywaies I read that pineapple and fruits change the taste of cum to a more sweet taste. I want to know if that is true because I want a sweet taste for my first time. =)

Answer #1

If you do want it to taste sweeter, make him eat the pinapple not to long before you have oral sex. Who knows how much better it will actually taste, but you can always give it a try.


Answer #2

yes, quite a few sweet fruits will help change the taste of that as well as in females theres also quite a few thinsg that help make it taste horrible as well

Answer #3

Yeah, there’s not amount of pineapple juice, or any other fruit for that matter, that will make cum taste “good.” But considering you’ve never tasted it before, who knows? Maybe you’ll like it. There are a lot of girls out there that do.

Answer #4

Either way its not going to taste good - but apparently pine apple juice helps a bit. Don’t expect a nice taste though.

Answer #5

things like iced tea and lemons, with a lot of citric acid, make it sweet as well

Answer #6

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