Does my dog have a disease?

I think my rottweiler has an eye disease. One of his eyes is all white. I’m not sure how long its been like that. hes been sleeping a lot too, but that could be from the old age. hes about 8 or 9. What should I do, and what could it be from??

Answer #1

if you call your dog and he takes a while to come to you then hes propeply blind in one eye you might want to concider taking him to the vet

Answer #2

Use the Neosporin about three times a day until eye clears. You may also use the Walmart or Walgreen brand of this product. It doesn’t have to be the expensive brand. Keep the eye clean with a warm wet cloth be sure to wash your hands afterwards to make sure you do not spead anything.

But I would still get your dog to the Vet. I AM NOT A VET.

Answer #3

Right away? Can you not get your dog to the Vet. If not Neosporin will work if you just add a little to the bottom lid and let your dog blink it into the eye. Be very gentle. I have a friend that has Bostons and she uses this and it works wonders. BUT I am not a Vet. This is a home remedy

But I would go to the Vet. It should be treated right away, or your dog could really go blind.

Answer #4

no, @ least I don’t think so. if it does spread I think it would go to the brain because they are so close together but I’m not vet. is there anything coming out of the eye? like puss, milky tears, a lot of liquid, green stuff… and all that? if there is, it could be an infection? google it, but still take it to a vet for safetey reasons. good luck!

Answer #5

No it will not spread. But you do need to get your dog to the Vet, this may be something that can be cleared up if treated quickly. I have seen something like this clear up.

As far as sleeping that my be the weather or maybe your dog does have an infection that needs to be treated. Go to the Vet.

I do know a home thing that will work but not seeing your dog I can not judge and it is best to get to the Vet.

Answer #6

my horse got that. a lot of animals get that and it can be really bad if it’s not treated. I think it’s called moon blindness, does his eye slook all milky? he could be going blind. I suggest you take him to a vet right away and get medication for it, I don’t think it’s treatable but there’s are meds he needs to be on.

Answer #7

Yes…get him to the vet ASAP…eyes aren’t anything to play with…and oh how miserable it must be…


Answer #8

he has a lot of puss, well its more like white gunk.. it could be an infection. how soon would I need to get something like this treated?

Answer #9

yea its like a marble all silky.. will it spread?

Answer #10

Thank you So much for helping!

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