Does my crush notice me?

I need help, there is this guy at school that I like. But im not sure he likes me, he sometimes looks at me and just a couple days go I started walking a diferent way to my bus stop after school and there he was and he looked at me and looked back at his friends. I don’t know if he likes me and I don’t want to flirt with him becasue I think it would be to weird becasue I don’t know him that well and we never talk. And I can’t ask any of my friends if he likesme becasue they don’t know him either. I don’t know if he is just looking t me or doesn’t even notice me please help me thank you,Jordan

Answer #1

Oh yes, I ‘m having trouble too, I honestlyd on’t know. He catches me looking at him sometimes, sometimes I catch him looking at me, or we glance at each other a lot. I am not sure though, I would say go for it, but I too have this problem because I’m ubber shy!

Answer #2

I asked tons of boys how they would like a girl to ask them out and stuff. a lot said just ask “Would you like to go out with me?” and most of them say just play hard to get. Of course most boys don’t care. If they say no, just move on to a cuter guy. No girl can’t live without a boyfriend, take it from me! So my advice::: Be yourself,Dress nice LMAO, play hard to get, and don’t be afraid to ask him out so that he knows that you like him. You never know, he might like you to. This might be the regular every-day advice but iit w0orksz t0o!

Answer #3

well jordan, i know it may be hard but you have to get the courage to ask this boy if he feels the same way but first are you sure you feel the same way? after all you say that you do not know him very well. maybe you should get to know him a little more and figure out if you really do like him. but if you really do just tell him how you feel. life is just you standing at a bus stop wating for the bus and when it comes you can choose to get on it or just let it pass you buy. i hope you choose to ride that bus Jordan!!

Answer #4

just go up to him and start a conversation. you two might become friends and who knows what will happen next!!

Answer #5

your crush will notice you if you just be yourself. If he is interested he will look at you with a smile, because he will be attracted to you. The only other thing I can think of is that he is scaried you will turn him down and he will still have to se you every day with exceptions of the weekend. If he looks at you and always speaks and I men just that (making small talk)or accidently touches you and trys to be every where you are (places he doesn’t have to go like you original path home) when you know he usually takes a different way home,then he very much interested in you. It is funny how roles reverse when to other person is interest in you too.

Answer #6

if u really like him just talk and get to know him. i mean what can u lose. if he talks back to you and shows signs of attraction towards you then you can flirt.

Answer #7

i hve da same problem!! well, i hope it works out ! just try 2 talk 2 him……….it might work out!

Answer #8

i know how hard this is.i’m in the same situation now.i like someone but i don’t know if he likes me.good luck because tomorrow i’m finally going to talk to my crush.But still, it’s easier said thatn done

Answer #9

Put yourself in a situation to where you ahve to talk with him. Don’t get too nervous because one time I had a crush and when I finally talked to him, I definetly changed my mind about him. He was nothing like I imagined him to be. So sometimes crushes or the fantasies in your head don’t always be all you expect. But don’t let my experience stop you. You have to live and learn.

Answer #10

im in the same situation !but i think u shud try 2 do sumthing

Answer #11

alright look not bieng meen but are you crazy you need togo and tlk to hinmm

Answer #12

believe me itsnot that easy yea I am gunna edmight I have the same problem bu still you might be so in love with him but seriously if you dont even talk to the guy what makes you think that she can just find the curage to talk to him, its a godd idea but its much mre harder said then done, like when they look at you and you look back you could do anything just to have it thqt way  little longr before he turns away…

Answer #13


Answer #14

well jordan you just have to ask this boy if he likes you. no harm can come of it. life is just you standing at a bus stop and when the bus comes you can choose to ride or stay of. i hope you choose to get on that bus jordan!

Answer #15

I see this on this site much 2 often, girls having trouble getting a guys attention. Its really the other way around guys should be the 1s with the trouble. Plus if he has looked at U more than once for longer than a few seconds then hes noticed U. Neways, a) U can go via friend of a friend (find one of Ur friends who knows 1 of his friends and try 2 establish a connection like that) b) The pointless approach (next time U see him by himself approach him with a pointless or meaningless question like the time or if he noticed the bus passing or something of that nature) or c) The straight forward no bullshit approach (pretty self-explanatory but U just walk up 2 him [no friends accompanying U], again it has 2 be while hes by himself also, & tell him U had ur eye on him 4 a minute & U wanted 2 know what was up with him [U can reword that it may be 2 “hood” 4 him]. The way U approach him has 2 be based on what kinda guy U think he is. If hes a conversational type go with (b) If hes kinda shy go with a but don’t rush it. & If he seems like he can respect a girl who knows what she wants & isn’t afraid 2 get it, go with (c)

Answer #16

Well,you can do one of two things, you can make him notice you, or you can simply approach him yourself. It shouldn’t be too hard because men love a challenge. The decision is up to you. Do you all have any classes together, if so fun mail me and I will give you some tips on how to approach him.

Answer #17

don’t waste your time flirting or talking to your friends just go up and ask him out for crying out loud this is the 21st century he doesn’t have to ask you and if you decide to do it

           you GO GIRL!
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