Does my boyfriend truely love me?

Well I’ve been dating this guy that I really am starting to fall in love with. But sometimes it doesn’t seem like he feels the same way even though he says he does. We go to school together and we barely ever talk to each other. He always says how I look like im 9 months pregnant but then says that it doesn’t mean im fat later. We barely ever kiss or even hug and he never wants to hang out whenever I ask him he always says hes too busy? But then he also says that im too shy and that we never do anything. Lately hes been wearing this necklace that he bought for his ex all the time. I don’t know what to do?? Sometimes it seems that he don’t love me at all even though he says it?? What do I do?

Answer #1

I dont know him personally so it’s hard for me to say, but going from what you said, there seems to be some problems.

Wearing an ex’s jewelry when your in a new relationship is not okay in my book. That means he is still holding on to a piece of her. Someone who loves you would not pick on your weight, which is what he is doing, I dont care what he says. You don’t kiss or hug or hang out, so how are you in love? Your not even spending time together or doing things that boyfriends and girlfriends do.

I say talk to him about it. It doesn’t sound like his heart is in this relationship.

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