Does my Boyfriend really love me?

I have been dating this guy brent for a month and a week now. At first he came over everyday after work and he spent every weekend with me and he called me at least 5 times a day. And now I don’t see him very much and I call and he never answers and he never calls me back. We were talking on yahoo messenger a few days ago and he told me that he is very much inlove with me. Do I believe him and let it go or do I confront him about it and if so How do I go about doing it?

Answer #1

Ok the thing is he is ‘in love’ with you, but he still wants his own space, guys still want to go have a laugh with their mates and all. Give him his own “me time” otherwise he will run for the hills and never call you. Anyway you should have “me time” too and go out with your friends. Dont be too clingy, guys hate that.

Answer #2

I disagree with jody….I dont think he is “in love” with you. Things dont change like that after only 1 month of being together. It sounded like it was HIS choice to be with you so much and to call you so much. These are signs that his feelings have faded. When a guy is truly into you, his actions will show just like his did in that first month! He can tell you (over the computer) that he is very much “in love” with you….but hes not showing it is he? Listen to their actions NOT their words. Does he tell you he loves you to your face, or just online? Ask him why things have changed with him. Ask him why he doesnt call you anymore, or spend as much with you anymore, see what his excuse is! Thats really all you can do.

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