Does my best friend like me? Should I tell him?

Bacically me & my bestfriend have been getting really close recently. a lot of eye contact,body contact & talking and flirting. I know that he is very protective over me and if any one says anything bad about me he will beat them up (not in like a proper fight but in the boarding house they get a lil aggressive and hes very strong) and I really like him and we used to date just under a year ago butit didn’t work out but we now no each other a hell of a lot me. Do you think I should mention it or bring it up in convosation? I really dont no what to do. What do you think???

Answer #1

I think you should, the way that you telling this story or watever shows that he really cares about you and still prob have feelings.

good luck [:

Answer #2

I think yes, he still has feelings for you. in a conversation just ask, would you ever consider going out with me again, just in a curiosity. if he says yes then you should ask him out and if he says no, then just continue being best friends and maybe something will happen later.

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