Does Milk make you taller

I’ve always wondered and can’t get it out of my head. does milk really make you taller?

Answer #1

Milk also contains chemicals called “fast grow” which makes calves grow faster adding bulk to their frame for more money per pound. It does the same to anything that drinks their milk…humans too. This is the reason why children now are bigger than years ago. Bigger and taller isn’t what it appears to be. It isn’t a good thing to be big and taller by drinking milk laced with “fast grow” chemicals. Just ask China.

China was way ahead of American children health wise; no heart disease, high blood pressure, and almost disease free compared to the American children. Until about thirty years ago. That is when the Dairy Farmers Association sold China the idea that milk “does a body good” a bold face lie!

DFA put milk dispensers in the work places, and schools, stores…everywhere the famous sports figures, actresses, popular socialites…were wearing the ‘milk mustache.

Milk caught on over night and every body was drinking it by the gallons, which made the DFA richer…

Needless to say, the Chinese people became grossly sick with every disease that Americans had, except it was much worse for the Chinese because their frame can only support so much bulk. They began suffering from osteoporosis big time, plus a bunch other diseases that were new to their race, but was common to Americans.

If you want to be really healthy, strong, and smart; stop drinking milk and all animal products…

Answer #2

what about cravendale? that “filtered to make it purer” so surely any chemicals put into the cow would be removed just leaving plain healthy milk? x

Answer #3

the calcium and Vitamin D help you grow. oh and you being THAT tall, probably is from genetics, milk can’t get you to grow that much, damn dude

Answer #4


Did you know you get more protein from vegetables than by milk? It is true.

Please go to:

Milk actually takes protein out of bones and does not make bones stronger, instead it weakens them. By drinking milk and ingesting animal products a person drinks/eats the “fast grow” chemicals that is give to cows to product bigger calves to get more poundage for more profit.

The DFA doesn’t care about us or providing a healthy drink/food; all it is interested in is money!

You would be wise to research this topic, especially since it is such a long-term health risk. You could do a report for school

Answer #5

The dairy farmers association make trillions every year on the sale of milk and milk products, so of course they will make sure that everybody drinks it. The more milk they sale the richer they get. But if you truly desire the facts about milk; go to:

There you’ll learn how milk does exactly opposite of that they claim; it causes osteoporosis by taking calcium out of the bones. Almost every single person who has allergies, it came from milk. Ulcers the same…milk causing.

Please go to that site: and see for yourselves.

Do let yourselves be brainwashed by a corporation who puts money before human health.

Answer #6

it gives you strong bones and stuff but my parents always told me it would make me taller so I think yeahh

Answer #7

this explains a lot I drink milk all the time and im 5’9 and 13 years old I should stop drinking milk lol

Answer #8

Did anybody go to:

Answer #9

no but it gives you calcium for strong bones

Answer #10

Nope..but it will give you stronger bones and healthier teeth.

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